Please find below some of our activity plans that you may be able to do at home, some may require specific equipment but you may be able to improvise with what you’ve got around the house. You may have to excuse some of the curriculum jargon as we have these as ideas for staff, but hopefully, you will get the idea. We would also love to see you trying them at home so please upload them to tapestry.
We will try and upload more when possible as well as links to websites with ideas.
Activity Plans
Activity Plan Small World and Natural Playdough
Activity Plan Small World Tuff Tray
Activity Plan Spaghetti Messy Play
Activity Plan Trucks and Pom Poms
Activity Plan Tuff Tray Drawing
Activity Plan Balancing with corks
Activity Plan Cling Film Painting
Activity Plan Herb Kitchen Playdough
Activity Plan Letters with Buttons
Activity Plan Mud Kitchen Food
Activity Plan Painting with Blocks
Activity Plan Pipe Cleaner Trees
Activity Plan Race Track Shapes
Jolly Phonics:
Helping your child with Maths: