Ladybirds Day Nursery

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01752 881 161

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Fees, Term dates and Terms and Conditions

Please Note…

The registration fee of £50.00 payable prior to your child starting is non-refundable.
All fees are payable by the 15th of each month. Fees not paid within this time will incur a £15.00 admin fee. If fees are still unpaid by the fourth week the child will be excluded from the nursery.
You are required to do a minimum of one session per week. The nursery will be closed on bank holidays. No charge will be made for days we are closed such as Christmas day, Boxing Day, New Years Day & other bank holidays.

Meal Arrangements

Prices are inclusive of all food which is comprised of breakfast, cooked lunch, snacks for tea and snacks throughout the day for children up to the age of 3. Children in pre-school will be provided breakfast and snacks but there will be charges for lunch and tea unless supplied by parents.

Prices are subject to change.

Fees Time Cost
Registration Fee (Not applicable to funded children or big bugs) £50.00
Early Starts Fee 7:30am – 8am £6.00
Under 3’s 1/2 day: 8am – 1pm
1/2 day: 1pm – 6pm
Short Day: 8am – 3:30pm
Full Day: 8am – 6pm
All Week Offer: 8am – 6pm*
Over 3’s & Grant Funded Top-up Preschool Non-Funded hourly rate
Cooked Lunch Fee**
2-3 year old hourly rate 2-3 year old Non-Funded hourly rate
Cooked Lunch Fee**



9 Months- 2 year old hourly rate 9 months- 2 year old Non-Funded hourly rate
Cooked Lunch Fee*



Before & After School Club (8 years and under)


Big bugs holiday club (School-aged children up to 8 years old)


Before School: 7:30am – 8:50am
After School: Until 4:30pm
After School: Until 6pm
Half-day (8am-1pm OR 1pm-6pm)
FULL day (8am-6pm)




Discounts MOD
Sibling (discount is applied to oldest child)

* Runs Monday to Friday only.
** Packed lunch can be brought as an alternative to this fee.


Parents may be able to receive additional support and funding to pay for their childcare needs. The government has provided a helpful website so parents can find out what they could be entitled to see link below:

There are also some useful posters below about the 30 hours funding scheme and the tax-free childcare scheme for extra guidance:




Ladybirds Term Dates

Please find below our term dates, this may not always match up with other settings due to different areas and funding allocations so please pay attention to dates your child will not receive funding and let us know as soon as you can if you require any swapped or extra dates.

Academic Calendar 2023 – 2024

Ladybirds Term Dates- 2024-25

Terms and Conditions


Invoices are sent out at the beginning of each month via e-mail.  They are calculated on the number of sessions that your child will attend for that month and will include any extra sessions booked from the previous month. It will also have an adjustment for any holiday due to be taken, providing a minimum of 4 weeks notice has been given.  If your child is claiming Early Years Entitlement Funding or 2-Year-old funding this will also be deducted.  If you have any queries regarding your invoice, please speak to a member of the Management team.


Making a Payment:

Invoices should be paid by 15th of the month.  Invoices paid later than the date stated at the bottom of the invoice will be subject to a late payment fee of £15.00 on the next month’s invoice.

Invoices can be paid by card, cash or BACS payment.  Please hand cash to a member of the Management team in the office and await a receipt.

For internet banking you will require the following details:

Sort code: 09-01-29

Account number: 48083627

Please quote your child’s name as a reference for BACS payments.


Non-payment of fees:

Non-payment of fees will result in your child’s nursery place being withdrawn if not paid within 30 days of the due date.  If it is necessary to recover debts all debt collection and court fees will also be applied.


Fee Increase:

Fees are reviewed annually any changes will be notified individually in writing with a minimum of 28 days notice.


Holiday Allowance:

We require 28 days’ notice in writing for holidays. No fee is charged for bank holidays or other nursery closure dates.  All other absence will be charged for at the normal rate. The two weeks holiday amount is worked out from two weeks of your regular bookings for example if your child attends three days per week then you will have six days holiday to use for the year.

Full-Time non-funded children: A maximum of two weeks holiday can be taken at any point, per calendar year, and will be charged at ½ normal fees.

Term Time only non-funded children: Do not get charged during the ‘school holidays’ and any time taken off during the term is charged at full rate.

Funded Children:

If you take your child out of the setting during ‘school holidays’, you will not be charged any fees for this.

If you take your child out of the setting during term time and you do not use any additional hours then you will not be charged but will possibly lose that week’s hours.

If you take your child out of the setting during term time and you do use additional hours then you will be charged half fees for only these hours for up to two weeks per year.



Parents are required to give 4 weeks notice to terminate their child’s place or reduce their hours at Ladybirds or pay 4 weeks fees.  The nursery reserves the right to terminate the placement of any child without reason by giving 4 weeks written notice to the Parent/Carer.


Nursery Hours:

Ladybirds is open Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 6 pm.  The nursery will be closed every weekend and on bank holidays.  Parents/Carers will be advised of Christmas closure.


Late collection:

Late pick-ups are charged at £10.00 per hour while the nursery is still open i.e. before 6 pm and £15.00 per 10 minutes after 6 pm.



Full fees will be charged for all absence.  However, individual circumstances will be considered if there is a prolonged absence.



Ladybirds will not permit a child to attend the nursery if suffering from any infection or communicable disease.  The nursery reserves the right to refuse admission to any child suffering from an infection or communicable disease.  The nursery will not be held responsible for any infection or communicable disease transmitted at the nursery. We will notify parents if there have been several cases of illness in the setting over a short period. We follow the health protection agency and local authority guidance for exclusion periods. Children must not return to the setting for 48 hours after their last episode of sickness or diarrhoea and suitable collection processes must be in place for parents or carers to collect children from the setting within 45 minutes of being contacted if they have a temperature over 38.5oc or have sickness or 3 cases of diarrhoea.



We will administer prescribed medicines, but they must be in date and be prescribed for the child to whom they are to be administered.  All medicine must be in its original packaging, must be within its expiry date and must have a prescription label with the child’s name. We can give unprescribed paracetamol and/or ibuprofen, but these must be in date and clearly labelled and doses must not exceed those advised on the packaging.

All medicines must be handed to a staff member who will store them appropriately in the fridge or medicine cupboard.  Please do not leave medicine in a child’s bag.  A medicine form must be filled out by a staff member. Doses will be given as stated on the prescription label.


Personal Property:

Ladybirds Day Nursery will not be liable for the loss or damage to any personal property brought into the nursery.  Children’s property should be clearly labelled to reduce the chance of becoming lost (Including bottles, nappies and wipes brought in, clothes, shoes, bags and other possessions). Also, note we do not encourage parents to bring children’s toys into the setting as it can cause upset between children and may become lost or broken. We do however allow children to have comforters, but they must be clearly labelled with the child’s name or initials.


Extra or swapped sessions:

We are happy to accommodate extra/swapped sessions if we have space.  These can be requested at any time, ideally in writing/ e-mail.  Please see Chantelle at the earliest opportunity. Any extra sessions booked with less than 4 weeks notice will incur a £4 admin charge if more than 4 weeks notice is given there is no admin fee applied. ALL swapped sessions will incur a £4 admin fee.



We take complaints about our work, staff and levels of service very seriously. We hope that all complaints can be raised with one of our Managers. We will do our very best to resolve any issue to your satisfaction.  In the event that the matter cannot be resolved the Manager will refer you to Ofsted.


Unforeseen Circumstances:

Ladybirds cannot be held liable for the withdrawal of a placement due to third-party action.  This includes closure due to circumstances beyond our control, e.g. fire, flood, vandalism etc. In cases of temporary closure e.g., extreme weather conditions or any other reasons 50% of the fee paid or liable to be paid will be given or an alternative session will be offered.


Terms and Conditions:

Terms and conditions are liable to periodic change.  Any changes to the terms and conditions will be given individually in writing and will be effective from 28 days after notification.


Accepting the Terms & Conditions:

By signing the registration form you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions above.

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